
Retaaza Named as Member of Drawdown Georgia Business Compact

July 14, 2022
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ATLANTA, GA − On July 14, 2022, Drawdown Georgia Business Compact announced Retaaza as the 32nd company to join the group whose founding members include Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Atlanta Gas Light, Coca-Cola, Cox Enterprises, Delta Air Lines, Google, Norfolk Southern, and UPS. The state-wide business consortium will support a collaborative effort to galvanize climate action in Georgia.

The Compact creates a platform from which companies may take individual and collective actions to support the state-wide achievement of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and address “beyond carbon” elements of equity, health, environmental quality, and economic opportunity. The organization is facilitated by Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at Georgia Tech who provides foundational support to the compact through four primary channels – facilitate collaboration, catalyze innovation, create a community of practice, and report on progress.

The Compact members commit to supporting state-wide achievement of net-zero emissions by 2050, participate in collaborative initiatives, report annually on activities undertaken to support the state-wide target, and contribute funds annually to sustain the Compact.

“We are excited to contribute to the collective impact already being made across Georgia by the Compact companies,” said Kashi Sehgal, Retaaza Founder and CEO.

Retaaza is a social enterprise that strives to make local food more accessible and affordable, directly supports community farmers, reconnects consumers to their food, and feeds families struggling with food insecurity. The services Retaaza provides reduce food waste and its negative social and environmental impacts, aligning with the Compact’s mission.

More information on the Drawdown Georgia Business compact can be found here -

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